Annual Toy Drive Application Information
Annual Toy Drive - how do I apply?
Please read below to learn how to apply to the CHiPS for Kids Annual Toy Drive if you are a family in need of some extra holiday cheer this year. Also visit our frequently asked questions section below for more information.
Application Information
How do I apply?
All families in Colusa County who are in need of extra support during the holidays are welcome to apply to the CHiPS for Kids Annual Toy Drive Program. Follow the provided links to apply online in English or Spanish. If you prefer to fill out a paper application, please visit one of the following locations to pick up a paper application.
Application locations: Colusa County CAPC & FRC - 131 5th Street, Colusa; Williams Family Action Center; Arbuckle Family Action Center
The application process includes information about your family size and income, residence location, children's ages and genders, and a section for a Sponsor. Please keep in mind this program serves children 12 years of age and younger. Children older than 12 will not be included in the application process. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Someone from a community agency or organization must provide their consent as a Sponsor for your family, someone who has worked with a member of your family in some way that can uphold that the information provided in the application is factual. A Sponsor can be someone from your child/children's school, a clergy member or someone from a faith-based organization, a public agency employee, or someone in any position that can uphold that the information is accurate.
Please be sure to complete the application as thoroughly as possible to ensure that it is processed. Incomplete applications will not be processed. To apply online, click one of the below links to be directed to the English or Spanish online application. To download a paper copy of the application, click the below Download links, print, fill out, then deliver to our office staff. Paper applications can be delivered in person, by mail, or scanned and emailed to the following addresses:
Colusa County CAPC & FRC
131 5th Street
Colusa, CA 95932
Application Timelines
Important Dates to Remember
Applications are available now and can be completed completely online or by paper. All applications MUST be turned in NO LATER than December 8th by 3:30 p.m. Applications received after that date/time will not be processed.
All applications filled out completely and accurately will be processed and families will be notified the week of December 11-14th. Please wait for program staff to contact you about your application. Contacts will be made by phone or email, so please ensure those are accurate on your application. All gifts will be sorted and given out to families on the Disbursement Day, which is scheduled for December 15th at 9:00a.m-11:30a.m
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: If I turn in my application without documentation of my children's ages, will it be processed?
A: If you turn in your application and cannot attach the proof of your children's ages to the online application, please plan to bring those items into our office so we can process your application.
Q: If I turn in my application after December 8th, will I still be included in the program?
A: No, applications must be turned in by December 8th at 3:30 p.m. to be included in the application process. Apps turned in after that date/time will not be processed.
Q: If I have children over the age of 11 can I include them in the application?
A: Please include the children over the age of 12 so that we can calculate your family size, but keep in mind that children over the age of 11 will not be included in the program.
Q: What if I cannot come to the Disbursement Day?
A: If you cannot come to pick up your child's gifts the day of the Disbursement Day, please arrange for someone else to come pick up your family's gifts. This can be a family member or a friend, but make sure to contact our office to make those arrangements. We cannot send gifts with people without the consent of the family on the application and we will not hold the gift for another day.
Q: Will the gifts be wrapped for my children?
A: No, gifts will not be wrapped. If you plan to bring your children to the Disbursement Day, please be aware that they may see the gifts as you leave, they will not be wrapped. Please plan accordingly.
Q: What if I don't get a call about my application?
A: Please wait for the week of December 11-14th for a phone call or email from our office. If you do not hear from our staff by December 13th, please call our office to check on your application. Please help by ensuring you put the most accurate contact information on your application when you turn it in.