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Shop With a Cop

For the last few years, the Shop with a Cop event has been a super success! In an attempt to foster a positive relationship between youth and Law Enforcement, this fun event is held each year before Christmas. A team of our local Law Enforcement Officers, Social Workers, and youth join forces on an evening in December to peruse the aisles of a store in search of Christmas gifts. Each officer is paired with a child to look around the store for items that fit the child's needs and wishes.

Law Enforcement

Who joins?

Last year we had representation from each Law Enforcement agency in Colusa County and fun was had by all! Members of Colusa City Police Department, Williams City Police Department, Colusa County Sheriff's Department, Colusa County District Attorney's Office, and the Colusa County Probation Department all joined forces to make the Shop with a Cop event a huge success. 

Each Law Enforcement Officer is paired with a child to search the store in hopes of finding the perfect Christmas gifts. Each child has a budget to spend and the officers help keep youth on track. 

This event creates a fun, inviting atmosphere for youth to interact with Law Enforcement, which creates a positive relationship. Officers assist the youth in selecting gifts for immediate members of their families as well. It allows children to see Law Enforcement in a positive light - some of which hadn't had the opportunity before.

The Youth

Who joins?

Each year local youth are selected to participate in this program based on previous experiences and extenuating circumstanctes. It is important for this program's success to select youth from our community that would benefit the most from fostering a positive relationship with Law Enforcement.

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